Friday, 6 June 2014

Running an SQL Server's Stored Procedure from Excel Sheet

Figure 1.

There are times when your boss calls for an immediate solution for a simple problem but that can only be solved by your programming skill.

You look at the problem, analyze a solution within the scope of the software the company is currently using and work it out from there.

But what if the problem is just a glitz in a working system? For instance, a messed up department code or an error in unit of measurement? Of course, as much as possible we go by what the POS can do about it. But what if the POS doesn't provide solution to that problem?

This is where you intervene as an I.T. Manager or a Database Administrator. Suppose you can revert the error in the SQL Server by executing queries? That'll solve the problem provided that you know the in and out of your POS system.

In the real world however, such a mistake can be recurring and sometimes inevitable and you may not be there to always solve the problem. So the ultimate solution is to create an app that shall call a stored procedure that contains a script which corrects the error so that anyone in the company can resolve the problem, be it the supervisor or the store owner.

But trust me, the boss won't always bother about working with an app made in VB or Foxpro or .net, let alone the time your boss was forced to move out of his/her table because you needed to install a few runtime dll's for the app or the app itself. But luckily, most of the bosses have something in common, they all love to work with MS Excel.

So, more likely, the most elegant solution is excel programming. Yes, that's right, macro programming. It's simple, and straightforward. Your boss is gonna like its simplicity.

In this tutorial, I'm going to demonstrate how we can create a form in MS Excel, drop some controls on it and populate a control. This shall include a way to execute a stored procedure saved in SQL Server within the excel environment.

Creating the Form

1. Open MS Excel.
2. Open a New Workbook.
3. Now, we need to use the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications by pressing Alt+F11. See the fig. below.

4. At the left side, under the VBA Project window, right click on the ThisWorkbook, select Insert and choose UserForm. You should get a blank form named "UserForm1" after that.

5. I'm gonna fast forward a bit and skip some parts to go ahead with the important part of this tutorial. Please refer to the images named Figure 1 which is at the beginning of this article. That should be the final outcome of this article. Try to copy that form by dropping a textbox, a command button and a few label onto the form.

Notice that there's also a combo box on that form. I used a combo box for items which are repetitious like in this example:

Adding the Code

So to populate the combobox, just double click the form named UserForm1 and place this code in the Initialize event.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Me.ComboBox1
.AddItem ("BAG")
.AddItem ("BDL")
.AddItem ("BLS")
.AddItem ("BLT")
.AddItem ("BOT")
.AddItem ("BOX")
.AddItem ("BTL")
.AddItem ("CAN")
.AddItem ("CRD")
.AddItem ("CTN")
.AddItem ("DOZ")
.AddItem ("EA")
End With
Me.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1
End Sub

Populating a combobox is easy using the .AddItem method. I provided the .ListIndex = 1 so that it automatically shows the first item when the form is shown.

In this tutorial, we are just going to use 3 events. One is the form's Initialize and the second is the command button's click event which should execute a stored procedure in SQL Server. The third one is the button in the main sheet which should call out the form that we've just created.

Double click on the command button that you've just added on the UserForm1. Select the Click event and add the following codes below.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If Me.TextBox1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please enter the product code.")
Dim lcPC As String
Dim lcUOM As String
lcPC = Trim(Me.TextBox1.Text)
lcUOM = Trim(Me.ComboBox1.Value)
Dim lcCMD As ADODB.Command
Dim lcCon As ADODB.Connection
Set lcCMD = New ADODB.Command
Set lcCon = New ADODB.Connection
lcCon.Open ("DSN=MYDATABASE;UID=me;pwd=password")
With lcCMD
.ActiveConnection = lcCon
.CommandText = "execute gtv_sp_ChangeUOM " & "'" & lcPC & "'" & "," & "'" & lcUOM & "'"
End With
MsgBox ("Item has been changed successfully!")
End If
End Sub

I used ADODB to handle the connection and execution of stored procedure. I also referred to a DSN named MYDATABASE that I've just set up. Setting up a DSN name is easy and I'll show you next time how to do that. This code will work provided that the DSN name, username and password is correct and the stored procedure being called exists in the SQL Server.

Basically, the whole point of that code is to execute a parameterized stored procedure. The two parameters will come from the textbox' value and from the combo box value. Notice that I assigned their values in two variables and later concatenated the necessary command and parameters in a single string.

To call that form in the excel sheet, we need to drop a command button on Sheet1 itself. So switch back to the excel sheet and click the Developer tab on the Menu bar. Click Insert and select the command button. It should bring you to this:

Now, click on any cell in sheet1. A button will be attached on the sheet. Right click on that button and select Assign Macro and place the code below:

Sub Button1_Click()
End Sub

When this button is clicked, the form will be shown and you can readily use that to execute the stored procedure being called. Make sure that you save the file in Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xslm) format.

That's it. You can distribute this file to your boss and she/he can use it in no time with ease. 

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